World-Class Research


Get a comprehensive look at actual consumer spending each month from SpendTrend® from Fiserv.


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    Explore aggregated and anonymized sales data from over four million merchant locations, across all major verticals including retail, services, travel and lodging, and food (in home and away from home).

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    Access standardized reports on same-store, card-based spending across 17 industry verticals and related subcategories.

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    Understand year-over-year spending, transaction and average ticket growth/decline – by geography, industry, card type, payment method, all at a monthly interval.

Data to drive business forward


Make informed decisions based on comprehensive market intelligence.


Quickly adapt to market changes with data that is regularly updated.


Better understand consumer behaviors to guide strategies and product offerings.

A robust and reliable measure of consumer spending built from billions of card-based transactions.



merchant locations

More than

10 yrs

in production



merchant categories tracked

On average


monthly transactions

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