BEST-IN-CLASS Capabilities

Digital Issuance

Issue a new or replacement digital card to your cardholders to eliminate the wait and immediately place your card front-of-phone.


  • card icon

    Eliminates wait time for a new or lost/stolen replacement card​ by delivering an electronic version of a preactivated card to cardholders while they wait for the physical card to arrive in the mail

  • phone and card icon

    Offers a simple, intuitive process that enables cardholders to add the card to their digital wallet, view the card​ and start spending immediately

  • stopwatch icon

    Allows consumers to apply for and get cards quickly from their internet-enabled devices

  • lock icon

    Helps mitigate fraud by blocking card present transactions until the physical card is activated

  • Gears icon

    Fully integrated with CardHub® from Fiserv to ensure a seamless cardholder experience through both the web and the app

Growing demand for digital experiences


Meet cardholders’ immediate new card needs


Eliminate friction during a new account opening or lost/stolen cardholder scenario


Grow usage and spend, resulting in faster top of wallet and increased interchange


Improve your competitive position by enhancing the value of your card offering

Consumers want cards that fit the way they live, and these days that means quick access in their digital wallet.


of consumers say that ease of adding card to wallet is their top required feature1​


of consumers say that instant access to an issued card, in-person or digitally, would elevate satisfaction1


of digitally issued cards are used within five days2

1. Deloitte 2021 Consumer Payments Survey 2. Credit Union Times: Instant Issuance Slashes Fraud Among Other Benefits

Discover insights related to digital issuance

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