Integrated payment solutions across every industry

See how others have built custom payment experiences and get inspired to build your own.

two women packing a box


Offer a seamless online checkout experience for maximum efficiency

  • iFrame embedded in your web page
  • Card-on-file for smoother checkout
  • eCommerce payment method flexibility
  • Online app for fast onboarding
Teacher calling on students with raised hands


Simplify and streamline education systems at every level

  • Design a school payment portal
  • In-person payments across campus
  • Support payment plans and autopay
  • Reduced PCI scope
Two men looking at a clipboard and talking

Field Services

Accept payments and manage operations in the field and on the go

  • Mobile app to collect payments on site
  • Pay by link or payment portal
  • Card-on-file for recurring payments
  • Convenient payments by text
woman paying with a credit card in a pharmacy


Convenient payments for healthcare and veterinary care

  • Support multiple payment options
  • Payments in-office, online or via text
  • Card-on-file for patient convenience
  • Real-time transaction reconciliation
People volunteering packing boxes


Make changing the world a bit easier with simplified donations and payments

  • Take donations from anywhere
  • Automate recurring donations
  • Offer a variety of payment methods
  • Security layer to protect donor data
smart phone tapping a clover device


Meet the growing appetite for a modern payment experience

  • Payments at the counter or tableside
  • Contactless ordering and pay by text
  • Robust, real-time reporting
  • Flexible tip acceptance
two people wearing aprons and looking at an ipad

Salon and Spa

Accept payments and grow your business with style

  • Payments at counter or chair
  • Flexible tipping options
  • Card-on-file for booking and checkout
  • Online app for speedy merchant setup
woman on smart phone watching TV


Keep revenue flowing for subscription-based billing

  • Automate recurring billing
  • Card updater to keep card data current
  • Offer flexible payment method options
  • Real-time transaction lifecycle reports
Person paying for parking at a kiosk


Deliver frictionless, self-service checkout experiences

  • Kiosk mounted payment device
  • Convenient and contactless checkout
  • Unify payments across channels
  • Real-time reconciliation and reporting
white lines overlay

Ready to turn payments into a competitive advantage?

arrow hitting a smart phone icon

For software providers

Access your dedicated team for integration support and ongoing growth consulting

  • Access to our Developer Studio, full of powerful partner tools, APIs and documentation
  • Integration help before, during and post-integration
  • Marketing, sales and growth support, plus ongoing education, including partner webinar


computer icon with graphs

For business users

A better payment experience for your customers comes with always-on support

  • 24/7 expert merchant support team on call, ready to assist
  • Support center with knowledge articles, guides and product information
  • Activation, onboarding and life cycle support