BEST-IN-CLASS Capabilities


Adapt to evolving financial behaviors with comprehensive lending solutions that cater to every stage of the cardholder journey, from pre-purchase cash advances and at-purchase installment options to seamless post-purchase loan integrations. Tailored lending offerings from Fiserv address the growing demand for flexible payment options, driving value and exceeding cardholder expectations.


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    Provide cardholders with instant access to short-term funds through their checking accounts, offering financial flexibility and peace of mind before making purchases.

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    Deliver real-time fraud alerts to cardholders through SMS, email or voice notifications – whether managing detection in-house or integrating fraud tools into the call center. 

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    Deploy cyberthreat intelligence analysts to identify high-risk cards sold on the dark web. These real-time insights seamlessly integrate into authorization decision-making processes, bolstering security and mitigating potential threats.

Tailored lending delivers flexibility


Meet unique needs
Create a personalized lending experience that fosters better financial outcomes and offers cardholders flexible and customizable lending terms tailored to their unique financial needs.


Integrate with ease
Seamlessly integrate lending solutions into your mobile and web platforms, allowing clients to manage loans effortlessly. Customize based on cardholder behaviors, enhancing engagement.


Innovate and customize
Meet expectations and build engagement through tailored lending products that address your customers' needs.

Use Cases

Learn more about additional Issuer solutions

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